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5680 Marsh Rd Suite B.
Haslett, MI 48840
Call: (517) 336-0151
Individual & Business Taxes, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll, Business Consulting & Financial Planning
Using AdobeSign
Our office uses Adobe Sign to electronically sign documents.
Recv Email - Follow Link
The email sent to you will have instructions for the password and a link to your documents requiring signature.
Finalize Signatures.
Once all signatures have been applied, another prompt will request "Click to Sign"
Enter Password
The initial email will have directions for the formula of your unique password.
Print Hard Copy
Visual proof that your signature has been sent to the office. This is also your opportunity to print out hard copies.
Sign at Prompts -
Please follow the prompts where your signature is required. The date of signing will automatically fill at the end.
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